Tuesday, November 6, 2007

You know what sucks?

Bureaucracy. That's what sucks.

Spent hours wandering around campus, getting directed every which way, to sign up for a class I already have credit for, because I know my AP score was a fluke. It's only thanks to an awesome guy in the math department that I'm going to remain a full-time student: I otherwise would have had to email someone, get redirected to a building I'd already been to, talk to a faceless person with the registrar's office and not end up getting the class anyway. Thanks, math guy.

Science majors totally get gypped. Normally a class's credits are roughly equivalent to the number of hours you spend in class a week. I have 3 1-hour sessions in my English class, I get three credits. Easy enough.

I spend 7 hours in Physics a week: 3 in a lecture, 1 in a discussion section, 3 in lab. Worth 4 credits. What? Lab classes take far too much time, totally screw up your schedule. My second semester schedule had me in class for 17 hours a week, but I wasn't even counted as a full-time student. Not nice. Why do we not complain? Apparently if you're a physics major you're expected to suffer, while people have an easy time with things like education. Bullshit?

Is it the attitude people take towards science, the same reason people cringe or wince whenever I mention my major? Or perhaps it's self-inflicted, some masochistic qualifications of the scientific community itself to prove its superiority above the other academic subjects? To keep back the encroaching "lesser" majors like literary theory, minority studies and music? Maybe this is why we get that major division between left- and right-brained people. Thoughts?

So yes, bureaucracy sucks.

Can't wait until I get to start producing (read: "until we get a script") and red tape pops up EVERYWHERE. It's gonna be awesome, only not.

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